Introduction to Balance in the Workplace
Re-invigorate your staff with a 1 or 2 hour workshop on bringing balance with simple breathing techniques and short guided meditations.
Ideal for 'lunch and learn' or professional development days.
Understand the body’s response to stress and learn techniques to balance it, enabling high achievement without losing connection to the self.
Topics include
Explore ways to build inner strength and the qualities that align to this, without becoming defensive or triggered.
Learn a simple guided mediations to balance worry and over thinking.
Learn breathing techniques to calm the nervous system.
Understand the link between our energy systems, physical body and mind, particularly in relation to stress and a busy lifestyle.*

*Developed by the Melaney Ryan Institute of Applied Consciousness, run by a licensed facilitator
Get in contact to discuss how we can develop a seminar to suit your workplace.
Email to register your interest and for any further information.
Course Details